Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Tool Tuesday

I have found the best little tool ever!!  How many of you can never get that last little bit of moisturizer out of the tube, bottle or jar?  How about your foundation or concealer?  Ever wished you had something to get that last bit of your favorite lipstick out of the tube because you have a hot date and that color looks fantastic on you?  I have. But now I don’t have that problem.

While wandering in the cosmetic aisles at Walmart I happen to spy this little guy....
Say hello to Spatty. No, I didn’t give it a pet name lol, that’s what it’s called. The back of the package states...No more wasted product, Flexible tip, Does not absorb product, Gets in all the hard to reach places. Dishwasher safe. Reusable. FDA approved. BPA free. Fits into virtually any product with a narrow opening, allowing you to get every last ounce of  your product and keeps money in your product. On their website, www.thespatty.com there are two pink cosmetic spattys, a 6 inch and a 12 inch. There are also ones for use in the kitchen (blue), crafting (red), and home and auto (grey). Now, they are made identically and come in the same sizes but are different colors that I’m guessing help you differentiate between them. 

Also on their website they make this claim...Consumer Reports conducted a study in which they determined we throw away 25% of product when it’s no longer easy to get out of the container. To put this in perspective, if you spend $40 on a bottle of foundation, Spatty will help you recover that lost 25% saving you $10 in product. To take that one step further, if you go through one bottle of foundation per month, Spatty could potentially save you $120 per year. 

This product was featured on the popular tv show Shark Tank also. Cheryl Rigdon, the inventor of the Spatty, invented Spatty after becoming frustrated with not being able to get all of her higher end products out of their containers. A portion of the sales goes to Water For Life, a program to help everyone have clean drinking water. 

And just for the record, no, this post is not sponsored. All of the statements above came either from the back of the packaging or the website and you may go and read them for yourself. 

A few weeks ago I was sent a trial of some new skin care and I was down to the nitty gritty. I love this skin care but unfortunately cannot buy full size bottles until after Christmas. After seeing Spatty on the shelf, a mental picture hit me and Spatty found a new home. That night after cleansing my face I took a pair of scissors and cut the end off of the trial sized tube. Dang y’all. You should have seen how much product was left in the tube. I would have normally thrown it away because I couldn’t squeeze any more out. Spatty helped me get three more nights of product out of the tube. I was pretty impressed. After using it, I just cleaned it, dried it off and put it in my tool caddy. And the best part...both ends are useable. There is a little ball on the end that works great for dotting on your foundation or concealer. 😁😁. 

I believe this is the best $5 I have spent in a while. And with the tip being silicone it will last quite a long time. 

Thanks for stopping by today. I truly appreciate it. Come back tomorrow for Why Not Wednesday. You never know what I will be trying out.

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