Sunday, November 12, 2017

Unusual Primer

Hello my beauties. Tonight I want to tell you about a product that makes an amazing primer but is a bit unusual. When I first heard about it, I was like “Eeww, there is no way in hell I am putting that on my face!”  To me it was just gross but I heard a couple of the more popular beauty gurus on YouTube saying it worked amazingly well.

 So, a couple weeks ago I decided to bite the bullet and give it a go.  Let me just say I was shook. Blown away. I couldn’t believe how well it actually worked. Wanna know what this product is???

Yep. That’s right. Monistat Chafing Gel. Told you it was a bit unusual and kinda gross.  So, I looked up this product on their website and here are some of the things I found......Protects skin with a smooth, breathable moisture control barrier. So to me that means it’s going to help prevent my makeup from becoming splotchy and cakey from oil and sweat. Fights friction and relieves irritation...okay, not much friction on the face but some products do cause irritation so this should help, right?  Helps reduce the appearance of redness after shaving or waxing the bikini area. Think eyebrows, upper lips, chins. Combines the protective benefits of lotion and powder.  

The first ingredient is dimethicone, just like a lot of primers including the Smashbox Primer. This gel also contains Vitamin E and aloe. It’s fragrance free and formulated to let your skin breathe. With all the crap I put on my face my skin needs to breathe. 

The next question is what did it feel like on the skin?  It’s a clear gel and was very silky in texture. I have large pores around my nose and on my cheeks. I have a few scars too. After applying the gel over my whole face, I let it set for a couple of minutes. My skin was soft and smooth with a matte finish. 

Now to apply foundation and concealer. The first day I used Rimmel’s Clean Finish Foundation and Match Perfection Concealer. I applied both with a damp beauty blender from Eco Tools. (Reviews on these products coming soon).  The foundation applied beautifully as did the concealer. No streaks or dry patches to be seen. My pores disappeared too. I finished applying the rest of my makeup and went about my day. 

I obsessively checked in the mirror every chance I got to see how it was holding up. Holy smokes. No touch ups were needed at all. I couldn’t believe it. My makeup held up better than ever before.  Here is what my makeup looked like after 10 hours. 

Pretty good huh?  I have used this gel for 4 days now. Each time using a different foundation just to see if it reacted differently and nope. Same results. Almost perfect makeup all day. 

My final, honest opinion?  I’m hooked. I love it. It’s the best primer I’ve used thus far. I do believe this is my holy grail, ride or die primer. 

Here’s the nitty gritty details:  Can be found in most drugstore/superstores where Monistat products are sold, or you can order online. 
Comes in a squeeze tube containing 1.5 oz of product
Cost ranges from $6.99 to $8.00

Thank you for stopping by today. I hope you enjoyed this post. I have quite a few reviews almost ready including an order from Colourpop that my BF got me as an early birthday present and should be here Monday. 

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