Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Why Not? Wednesday

Hello folks. How are ya?

Today I want to discuss something that kinda bothers me. It’s about makeup colors. There are all kinds of “rules” out there about what colors you should wear....soft or neutral eyes with bold lips, bold eyes with nude lips, but never both together. Make your cheeks pop but mute your eyes and lips. If you are a Spring you should wear these colors, if you are Winter, those colors. If you are under 40 or over 70 you can wear whatever you want. Well, guess what?!?  I call bulls**t.

I’m almost 45 years old. 19 days away to be exact and I think I can wear whatever colors I feel like. Granted, I’ve learned over the years that some colors do look better on me than others but if I want to wear a pop of lime green on my eyelids or a glittery inner corner why not?  If I choose to wear a really dark Smokey Eye, why not?  How about a bright red lip?  Why not?

  It seems like women in my age bracket are supposed to be muted and demure. Screw that. I’m having the time of my life and living life to the fullest. The way I see it, it’s my face and that means my rules. Makeup is one size fits all as Patrick Starrr says. Now, I am smart enough to know that just because a shirt says one size fits all doesn’t make it true. As a big girl, I’ve learned the hard way that OSFA is not always the case just as I’ve learned that some of the looks on social media will not work for me. It would be Halloween 365 if I tried that. But, if a certain color makes me feel beautiful and sexy why shouldn’t I wear it?  Beauty is more than skin deep and it’s just makeup. At the end of the day it washes away.

So, ladies, and gentlemen, be bold. You do you. Don’t let someone else’s opinion sway your decision. Wear that hooker red lipstick or that glittery purple eyeshadow. It’s your face babes and if it makes you happy, who cares what others think.

Here’s my MOTD and guess what?  I’m wearing bold red lipstick!  And I got a couple of compliments while I was out and about.

Thanks for stopping by today. Make sure you come back tomorrow for a review of the makeup I am wearing today. ❤️❤️

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